Monday, July 25, 2011

April 23: Guggehnheim House, Kobe

Fernando Kabusacki with Nobuki Yamamoto, Yasuhisa Mizutani, Nahoko Kamei, Ari Morimoto, Tomoko Hirota, Shoko Fudo, Makoto Inada, Yojiro Tatekawa and Chieko Yamaji

Guggehheim House, Kobe

Before leaving my hotel room in Tokyo I enjoyed this precious gift, given to me last night by a kind member of the audience...

Luggage ready to go ...

Koki will pick me up at to the train station...train to Kobe...

...trains and platforms...

...Kobe Guggenheim House... bedroom at the Guggenheim House, with Clint Eastwood poster...

...the views from my room that reminded me of Ponyo, Miyazaki's movie...

...the sea in Kobe... rig...

my Tokai Les Paul...

...the classic amp...

...the stage...

...a view of the performance, photo by Koki Yahata...

My friend Shinkuro Matsuura, member of Zum and TukTuk, was in the audience.

Haco!!!I'm a big fan of Haco, and I feel I'm a close friend of her music. Such a joy to play with Haco!

... wonderful musicians!!!! Another treat!

This concert has been recorded professionally by a very good engineer, there's a chance that this recordings may make it into a live album.

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